In this article, Dr. Frederick David Graves, JD looks like he’s finishing up on his long discourse on evidence. But he also starts to tell you why he’s doing this. He seems to disagree with how the lawyers have tried to set up a monopoly on the legal system so that no one else could figure out how to bring a case to trial. He brings up subpoenas, which is even a great refresher for me. I didn’t need these in my case – but this isn’t to say you always just use Dr. Graves’ Jurisdictionary course just for defense. The idea here is to win cases, whatever side you are on…
Today I give you a peek at getting your evidence from people who aren't parties to the case.
You can use subpoenas to get evidence from anyone!
Subpoenas are court authority you can use!
Subpoenas are court orders with teeth.
Subpoenas command people to do what you wish them to do.
Subpoenas are issued by the court.
Those who don't obey the command of a subpoena are subject to contempt ... and possible jail time!
This is YOUR POWER to get evidence!
Of course, you need my popular Jurisdictionary course to win your court battles. These tips are no substitute for the course.
Subpoenas command non-parties to:
- Appear for deposition,
- Appear at hearings,
- Appear at trial,
- Allow you to inspect their documents,
- Allow you to inspect their tangible property,
- Allow you to enter their premises!
As explained more fully in my Jurisdictionary course, your use of subpoenas must be to get facts "reasonably calculated to lead to discovery of admissible evidence". Don't let the lawyer on the other side bamboozle you by claiming what you seek is not admissible. It doesn't have to be, so long as it is "reasonably calculated to lead to discovery of admissible evidence".
No matter what naysayers and negative ninnies tell you in emails or so-called legal guru websites, the rules that control American courts are designed to work for YOU! It doesn't matter if you're a giant corporation, government agency, or an individual member of society struggling to get justice for yourself and your family. The rules work for those who know how to use them!
Subpoenas are necessary to get facts from non-parties, i.e., people who are neither plaintiffs or defendants in your case. Examples are banks, telephone companies, people you wish to call as witnesses, even government bigwigs!
The subpoena power of the court controls everyone!
My popular Jurisdictionary course includes forms you can use to prepare subpoena for the court to issue.
This is YOUR POWER to get justice!
Anyone who claims you have no legal power in America is lying to you!
Anyone who claims all courts are corrupt or that there's a conspiracy against pro se litigants, simply hasn't made the slightest effort to learn how to use the legal power we all have in this country ... power for anyone willing to learn how to use the rules of procedure and rules of evidence.
This is what you get in my Jurisdictionary course.
People willing to learn are winning!
Read the testimonials! ⇒
Those who don't want to spend the time to learn a few rules shouldn't complain when they lose.
I watched a batter attempt a bunt but drew the bat back when he saw the ball was not going to cross the plate. He did not move the bat "toward the ball". In the game I watched, the umpire called a strike. Was that a bad call? Should it have been a ball, instead of a strike?
Only those who make an honest effort to learn the official rules can know for certain ... and you cannot win if you cannot control the umpire (or judge)!
People who use my course are winning!
Read the testimonials! ⇒
Subpoenas can command anyone to let you examine the documents and things you need to examine to get at the evidence you need to win your case ... but, if you don't know how to use them, you won't get the evidence you need ... and, if you don't get the evidence you need, you cannot possibly hope to win.
The conspiracy (if there is one) is the failure of the Bar to make any reasonable effort at any time in history to teach the American people the simple rules of court.
The rules of baseball are far more complicated than the rules of court, yet nobody told you! So, if you're like most people, you probably fear the courts and the high costs associated with hiring lawyers ... when all the time you could be learning the simple rules of evidence and rules of procedure that are far easier to learn than official rules of baseball!
The official federal rules of evidence are 16 pages!
Why weren't you told?
Why weren't your children told?
Who is holding back on you so they can make money?
You have real power to get Justice in America!
The challenge for you (and everyone else seeking justice in our courts) is your willingness to learn how to use that power by spending 24 hours studying my popular course!
It is NOT DIFFICULT to learn!
Too many complain their rights are being violated, while those same people refuse to learn how to use the power of due process and its rules to overcome their opponent, control the court, and force judges to grant them justice! Such people spend too much time complaining and too little time learning! Because they do not know the rules or how to use them effectively, they lose ... needlessly!
You can win once you know what it takes to win!
Knowing how and when to use subpoenas gives you an advantage over your opponent.
Subpoenas are an effective tool to get evidence you cannot get from your opponent.
You have five simple tools to get facts that will lead to discovery of admissible evidence:
- Requests for Admissions,
- Requests for Production,
- Interrogatories,
- Depositions, and
- Subpoenas
Why not learn how to use them so you can win?
Lawsuits are about facts that tend to prove or disprove the essential "elements" of "causes of action" explained in my course. Once you understand the elements and what a cause of action is, you are on your way to victory. If you don't understand these simple things, you cannot win!
Do nothing in your case until you identify the elements!
What are the element facts you need?
What discovery tools work best to get them?
How do you force the court to compel discovery?
There's much more to it than I can tell in Tips & Tactics newsletters, of course, so order my popular, case-winning, 4-CD, affordable, step-by-step, 24-hour Jurisdictionary course everyone is talking about and start winning today!
Use subpoenas effectively - at the right time!
Both plaintiffs and defendants can use them to force non-parties to testify and allow you to examine and copy documents and tangible things under oath before trial.
Using your 5 discovery tools, you can get at facts you cannot get at trial ... any fact "reasonably calculated to lead to discovery of admissible evidence".
With such powerful tools to win your case, why not learn how to use them effectively?
Order my 4-CD, step-by-step, 24-hour official course, and empower yourself with Jurisdictionary know-how.
Order NOW, if you don't already have my course. And, if you do have my course, tell everyone to order it so they can start winning, instead of losing and complaining.
My official Jurisdictionary course explains subpoenas and all five of your evidence-getting discovery tools along with pleadings, proof, motions, legal research, courtroom objections, and much, much more: all in an easy-to-learn format people tell us an average 8th grader can learn in just 24 hours, understand, and use.
That's why my course is so amazingly popular!
Chances are someone told you about the course and encouraged you to visit my website.
Be clever. Think through the elements of your position (plaintiff or defendant) and sort out the essential facts you need to prove from those you don't need to prove.
If you don't know what the "elements" of your case are, or you don't know what the "elements" of your opponent's case are, then STOP NOW AND LEARN WHILE YOU HAVE TIME TO LEARN AND NOT LOSE!
The details are explained in my course, of course.
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